San Francisco Is Dead. Long Live San Francisco
Gary Kamiya has an excellent article in San Francisco Magazine, talking about the many factors and consequences of San Francisco’s economic growth.
(I)f present trends continue, the city could soon become a moated citadel of info-money, accessible only to venture capitalists, Twitter engineers, and the creators of hookup apps.
This prospect worries me. As someone who loves San Francisco’s maverick tradition and its class and ethnic diversity (I celebrated both in a book I wrote last year called Cool Gray City of Love), I find the idea that my beloved town is on the verge of becoming another Manhattan—a picturesque but increasingly expensive, homogeneous, and sterile burg—distressing, to put it mildly.
And yet, the political, cultural, and class war that has erupted over what is happening to San Francisco—call it the Change—strikes me as wrongheaded to the point of surreality.
I’m all for rushing the barricades when there’s an enemy to fight and a battle that can be won. I’ve engaged in my share of such battles. But it’s time to reckon with reality: There is no enemy here. Or if there is, it’s an enemy that won’t be defeated. What has hit San Francisco in the last couple of years can be summed up in one word: capitalism. And that is a tsunami that no seawall can keep out.I love what San Francisco has been, and I sure hope I also can love what it’s becoming.
iWatch Concept
If you could see the future, what would you watch?
Neat concept design by @frandiCosta
Gion - Cinemagraph
Water - Cinemagraph
iPhone 5 Wallpaper - Stormtrooper Prism
Love is Overdrive
ラブ・イズ・オーバーっていう、超有名な曲があって、 ラブ・イズ・オーバーは、愛が終わったって意味やけど 愛が終わっただけでは寂しいんで ラブ・イズ・オーバーでドライブしたら ラブ・イズ・オーバー・ドライブ オーバードライブしてたら愛は全開に変わった
Sexisim on the Red Carpet
During an E! interview at a red carpet ceremony, the camera operator takes a sweeping toe-to-head shot of Cate Blanchett, when she crouches down to ask, “Do you do that to the guys?” The internet explodes with opinion, and more fuel is added to the increasing fight against the objectification of women in media.
The way I see it, the camera operator was just doing their job. Red carpet ceremonies are events focused on fashion, and Cate Blanchett was wearing a very nice gown that should be seen in its entirety. No, most male guests would not have received the same treatment, because most male guests would be wearing suits or tuxedos and everybody knows what black pants look like.
The real issue here is not the camera operator’s actions. The tragedy is that filming a gown at a fashion event can be taken as an attack, if the gown is being worn by a woman. That’s where sexism in our society has taken us. There is a lot of work to be done in changing attitudes and healing wounds before gender equality has a shot at realization.
Replace Text in File - OSX Service
A quick Mac OSX service that will search and replace all given strings in a text file, and save the modified content as a new file. It’s not that much faster than just opening it in a text editor, but it was a fun way to learn how sed works.
It just runs a simple AppleScript that prompts for the query strings and new filename, and then runs sed through the shell to do the string replacements.
on run {input, parameters} set filepath to quoted form of POSIX path of (first item of input) set folderpath to quoted form of POSIX path of (POSIX file (do shell script "dirname " & filepath)) & "/" set findText to text returned of (display dialog "Enter search string" default answer "") set replaceText to text returned of (display dialog "Enter replace string" default answer "") set newfilepath to folderpath & text returned of (display dialog "Enter new file name" default answer "") do shell script "export LC_CTYPE=C;export LANG=C;sed 's/" & findText & "/" & replaceText & "/g' " & filepath & " > " & newfilepath end run
After downloading, unzip and place the file in ~/Library/Services (or create the folder first if it doesn’t exist already)
After doing so, you should be able to simply right-click a file in Finder to see the “Replace Text” option. (You might find it under a “Services” category)
If The Moon Were Only 1 Pixel
A tediously accurate scale model of the solar system
I can’t even begin to grasp how big things in space are, but this does a pretty good job explaining.