Computer program that learns to play classic NES games
The program is given a set of inputs from a human playing the game, and analyzes the RAM to define success in the game. It then plays the game with no knowledge of the rules, and works incredibly well.
North Korea missle launch delayed by Windows 8
The announcement from the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) did not indicate a new scheduled time for a missile test, saying only that it was “working with Windows 8 support to resolve the issue.”
A source close to the North Korean regime reported that Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un is furious about the Windows 8 problems and is considering a number of options, including declaring war on Microsoft.
Daft Punk Skrillex Remix - Conte
I’ve always been a fan of Jack’s solo work and his work as part of Pomplamoose. His new electronic sound is excellent as well.
Skycons - Free HTML5 weather icons
Skycons is a set of ten animated weather glyphs, procedurally generated by JavaScript using the HTML5 canvas tag.
Postach.io uses Evernote as a blogging platform
I personally am worried by the dependency on Evernote, but it seems like a great way to get a web presence if you’re a heavy user already.
John Frusciante - Wayne
John Frusciante releases a song in memory of his friend.
Thoughts on "Sourcecode"
I’ve finally come to terms with the movie Sourcecode. But at first, I hated it.
The premise is that scientists have built a machine that can:
1) extract remnants of memory from a person’s brain and 2) allow a 2nd person’s consciousness to then enter those memories and experience them firsthand.
They then use this machine to have someone enter the memory of a person present at a train bombing, so that he can find the culprit and stop the next crime.
Amazing Crossword Puzzle
The New York Times crossword puzzle the day before the 1996 presidential election.
These mostly-still images with subtle animations add a great new depth to photographs.
See more at Jamie Beck’s Tumblr
Pray for Japan
After the 3/11 earthquake, #prayforjapan was a hashtag used for people around the world to send messages of encouragement to Japan. prayforjapan.jp is a site that is collecting heartwarming tweets from Japanese users, as well as messages from outside the country.
I got emotional after reading just a few of these messages. The earthquake was a terrible tragedy, but amidst all of that I feel admiration for the spirit of the Japanese people. Messages like this show that people have really come together to help one another, and it give me great hope for the country’s recovery.